Friday, October 7, 2011

The Conveniently Attractive Assistant Manager

He is entirely intolerable.

His manners are temperamental, and prone to outbursts that are not altogether sound. He is somewhat laughable when provoked, amusing when angry, and when he is feeling most proud--this is when he is most pliable.

He is perhaps more senile than any older gentleman I've encountered.

He is charmed easily, and falls victim to a flattering comment or a delicious excuse for humor.

I wished him naked only to point and mock.

His body is proportioned, and masculine--all, save his ass.
His ass is heaven, and belongs on a Playmate.

It's ironic his best physical feature is oddly feminine in nature.

When his fancy is tickled, an uncommonly charming smirk forms in the corner of his mouth.
In the event that he is reading this now, he is most likely wearing it.

He is attracted to vice. He is never quite willing to bend backwards, however he is quick to be helpful when it suits him.

I worked with him for six and a half months, and I don't believe I ever told him how incredibly inspiring he was. Most of his jokes were critical of others, and obnoxiously rude...but for some very strange reason, I related with him more than anyone else in the place.

I was very sad when he left.

His uncanny ability to piss me off and elate me in the same instance is entirely missed.

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