Friday, October 14, 2011

Sausage Biscuits and Cups O'Water.

I really can't understand why people make such a BIG GODDAMN DEAL out of something so incredibly miniscule.

You know how that can be so aggravating, right?

The one thing that pisses me off more than anything about people, is how they manage to be so ridiculously hung up on things that are so unimportant. I'm talking about the stupid dip-shits that come into my store every morning, when I work--and BITCH.

Last time I checked, you're not a Ugandan orphan.

Last time I checked, you have enough money in your pocket to go to the grocery store and spend it on substantial food--instead of standing here, spending it at this place.

Perhaps even more infuriating is the cheap-asses.

You come in the drive thru expecting for me to stick two butters, four grape jellies, a knife, and extra napkins in your bag.

OH--AND you want a "cup o'water".

You want a cup of water because you're a cheap mother fucker who doesn't want to pay for an actual drink. If you're coming to an establishment like this, you're asking to pay for something. I think we should start charging a dollar for every cup of water--they'd literally be paying for the cup, and not what's in it.

I mean...I'm standing here, and I'm being nice to you despite the fact that I want to smack you in the face...

The very least you could do is be nice to me in return.

Oh, but NO...we'll have attitudes. We'll not be decent.


I have never been treated so vilely at any other job I've ever worked at...and that's saying a lot, because I've almost constantly worked with the public.

In case you're wondering:

I'm NOT a single mother.
I'm NOT on social assistance.
I'm NOT trying to jip you.

I'm just a college student trying to work her way through school payments...and the LEAST of my worries is making sure your BISCUIT is the right temperature.


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